Does God Exist?

    Did you search the whole universe?

     To argue that there is no God, you should have infinite knowledge because to affirm your statement you need to answer this question – Where? Where did you search to affirm that there is no God? You need to search the entire universe to confirm non-existence of God which is not possible with any human.

   Is Universe self-caused?

     Everything that begins to exist must have a cause unless it is self-caused. Universe has a beginning. Therefore, Universe needs a cause and God is that cause.

If there is no beginning for the universe, it should have been in existence since infinite time, if the past events are infinite, we would not be living in the present time.

   Is universe eternal?

      According to first law of Thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed (by whom? Neither be created nor be destroyed by humans) but it can only be converted to other form. Usable Energy present in the universe is getting converted to unusable energy. According to second law of Thermodynamics; which most interesting of all the four laws; in an isolated system any natural process in that system progresses in the direction of increasing disorder, or entropy, of the system.” There is a natural tendency of any isolated system to degenerate into a more disordered state.

The Second Law also predicts the end of the universe, according to Boston University “It implies that the universe will end in a ‘heat death’ in which everything is at the same temperature. This is the ultimate level of disorder; if everything is at the same temperature, no work can be done, and all the energy will end up as the random motion of atoms and molecules.” 

The universe is running out of usable energy. If the universe is running down it can’t be eternal. So it has a beginning and cause that is God.

  Don’t you see a great Designer behind this complex Universe?

      Every design implies a designer. There is a design in the universe. So there must be an intelligent designer behind this universe. 

      According to Anthropic principle, atmosphere contains 21% of Oxygen. If it were 25%, fires would erupt; if it were 15% humans would suffocate. If the universe was expanding at the rate one millionth more slowly than it is, temperature on earth would be 10,000 degrees. If the gravitational force were altered by 1 part in 1040 the sun would not exist and the moon would crash into the earth or sheer off into space.

      If you observe such fine-tuned parameters of Galaxy, Solar system, and planet, distance from Sun, size, temperature and type of Sun, size axial tilt, rotation speed of moon and composition of earth, stability and Jupiter and Saturn etc., will affirm the great designer 

   Universal constants (Boltzman’s Constant, Planck’s Constant, Speed of Light, Gravitational Constant), nature of water which makes life possible, the nature of earth’s orbit that supports life – all these confirm a designer

Finally, a fertilized human egg itself, merely the size of a pinhole, has enough information to fill a thousand books, each 500 page thick; having print so small you would need a microscope to read it. And if we were able to print in books all it has been estimated that they would fill the Grand Canyon 50 times!